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Fathers have rights before birth

The media typically portrays fathers as having no rights and the courts as always siding with the mother. Once upon a time, this may have been true but it isn't any longer. Fathers have just as much right to raise their child and participate in his or her life as the...

What tests establish paternity?

Paternity is the formal establishment of legal ties between a father and his child. Paternity is formed in a variety of ways, but there are two primary tests: the blood test and DNA test. This article will go over the pros and cons of both tests. The reason that a...

An overview of establishing paternity

An unplanned child does not mean that the parents do not love the child. The concept of the family is quickly evolving to include a variety of matches that were unthinkable even 20 years ago. These new familial configurations can bring about some legal questions,...

The benefits of establishing paternity

Paternity is defined as a child's legal father. This is different from biological fatherhood, which is presumed when the parents are married. Establishing paternity is an extra step unmarried fathers should take because it grants you and your child specific rights....

Challenge paternity of your child

When a child is born, depending on the circumstances, a man is presumed to be the father of that child. However, just because he is the presumed father does not mean that he is in fact the father. Should the mother or the man who has been acting as the child's father...


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