People often assume that when two parents are divorcing and there's a child involved that only one parent will be awarded custody. There have been many cases in the United States where the courts have seen one parent as the better option and awarded them sole custody...
Month: September 2015
What happens if my former spouse fails to make alimony payments?
Alimony is awarded to spouses when the courts feel as though it is necessary. By using a number of factors, judges determine if alimony will be awarded and how much will be paid each month. Even though in the court order, it may clearly state which spouse has the...
How paternity is determined formally and voluntarily
Proving paternity can be a big deal to some mothers. Even though she may not particularly like or enjoy the company of the child's father, or want to carry on a relationship with them, they may still realize that it is important for the father to have a presence in...
How a couple can establish their common law marriage
Marriage is an important family law issue that many couples may discuss at some point in their relationship. Not every couple that has been together for a long time feels the need to make their relationship official by having a big expensive wedding or documenting the...
Courts deny woman custody of child following divorce
Child custody cases can be an emotionally trying experience. Parents who have divorced may already have anger toward each other and when they need to find a custody arrangement that works for the both of them, neither party may want to cooperate, which will lead to a...
Reasons a parent may challenge paternity
Being a parent is a huge responsibility, and for some, it is a responsibility they are reluctant to take on. Whether it be because they are not ready be a father or because they have doubts that the child is theirs, paternity may need to be proven before a man will...
How do divorce and legal separation differ?
There may come a point in a couple's marriage when they are torn between staying together and getting a divorce. For many, the decision may come easy, but for others, it may take some time to decide if the relationship should continue. Couples who find themselves in...