The largest generation of Americans, the Baby Boomers, are retiring and divorcing at unprecedented rates. A study by the Bowling Green University found that 25 percent of American couples over the age of 50 are divorcing. It also found that the divorce rate,...
Month: April 2016
Can you create “living together” contracts?
Married couples have prenuptial and postnuptial agreements to organize their divorces, but what do unmarried couples have? More and more couples cohabitate without getting married. Some couples have responded by drafting "living together contracts"...
Why do people get divorced?
Everyone is probably familiar with the "50 percent of all marriages end in divorce" statement. But, what does that mean? Does it mean that if you get married you have a one-in-two chance of getting a divorce? Or are the numbers more nuanced? The Utah State University...
Divorce: the basics of community property
If you are considering divorce then that means you and your spouse must divide up your assets. This covers everything from bank accounts, to furniture, cars, houses and retirement accounts. Who owns what depends on a variety of factors. This article will go over those...
What happens if you don’t pay child support?
The Texas Attorney General is required by state law to create programs to locate and arrest delinquent parents. Child support means mandatory payments from the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent. These payments aren't owed to your spouse; they're owed...
Fathers have rights before birth
The media typically portrays fathers as having no rights and the courts as always siding with the mother. Once upon a time, this may have been true but it isn't any longer. Fathers have just as much right to raise their child and participate in his or her life as the...
How to change your child support obligation
Child support is not set in stone. The court does allow parents to modify their child support orders under certain circumstances. This article will go over what constitutes an opportunity for change and how it affects your ability to modify child support obligations....
Conservatorship is determined by a child’s best interests
Texas law denotes "child custody" as conservatorship. Parents are not "custodians," they are "conservators." But, like most other states, the court retains ultimate authority over the terms of conservatorship over the child. This article will go over the basics of...