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Understanding the types of alimony in Texas

On Behalf of | Aug 28, 2023 | Blog, Spousal Support

Navigating the world of alimony can seem overwhelming, especially when dealing with the emotional challenges of a divorce or separation. Like other states, Texas has established specific guidelines to provide financial support to a spouse after a marriage ends.

This support ensures that spouses maintain a certain standard of living. Texas has four primary types of alimony, each tailored to meet different needs and situations.

Temporary alimony

The court might grant temporary spousal maintenance when you are going through the divorce process. This type of alimony provides financial support during the divorce proceedings. It aims to help the spouse maintain their current standard of living and meet immediate financial needs. After finalizing the divorce, temporary alimony usually ends and other forms of support might take its place.

Spousal maintenance

Spousal maintenance, also known as post-divorce alimony, is support provided to a spouse after the divorce is final. The court awards spousal maintenance based on various factors, including the length of the marriage, the recipient spouse’s ability to support themselves and whether the recipient has a disability or cares for a child with a disability. This type of alimony is generally not in effect for more than five years and is subject to modification based on changing circumstances.

Contractual alimony

Unlike spousal maintenance, contractual alimony is an agreement between spouses without the court’s involvement. Both parties decide on the amount and duration of the support. Once agreed upon, it is legally binding, and both parties must adhere to the terms. The agreement must be in writing and properly executed to make it enforceable.

Lump-sum alimony

With lump-sum alimony, the paying spouse provides a one-time lump sum instead of making regular, periodic payments. This type of alimony serves various purposes, including compensating for property division imbalances or as a replacement for ongoing spousal support.

Understanding the types of alimony in Texas and considering which one aligns best with your needs helps you navigate the complexities of post-marriage financial support.


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