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3 rules for social media use during a divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2017 | Divorce

Social media provides opportunities for connection, interaction and entertainment. When life pushes you under the bus, it can offer a way to vent about your troubles to loved ones and find other people going through similar experiences so you can gain a support network.

Divorce may be the time when you need those benefits most. However, you need to be smart in your use of social media or you can make a mess of things during the divorce process. Your spouse can twist anything you share into negative evidence against you, or you can incriminate yourself. Follow these three rules to avoid letting your social media usage harm your case.

1. Keep things you want to stay private offline

That which you think is private may be accessible in roundabout ways. Even if you have mastered the privacy settings of every social media platform, anyone who has access to your posts can snap a screenshot of them. Anything you want to remain undoubtedly private, such as a new love interest, communicate it in a private setting only to people whom you trust. 

2. Do not post about your divorce

Resist the temptation to share details of the proceedings, no matter how trivial, impersonal or vague they are. Those who need to know details before the divorce is final can learn in more secure ways. Keep your news limited to the fact you are getting a divorce (no need to explain the reason online) and the time it is complete. This may seem strict, but it is better to err on the side of caution.

3. Have your friends ask for permission before posting things about you

You may have done an excellent job of keeping your personal life out of the social media spotlight, but what about your friends? Are you in their posted pictures of the crazy weekend you spent together? Are they making attacking comments about your ex in your behalf or defense? Make sure you know what your friends are posting about you.

Finally, remember to review your posts before publishing them. What may seem like an innocent photo or comment to you, the courts can misinterpret to your disadvantage.


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