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Does a person’s death terminate alimony?

On Behalf of | Mar 2, 2017 | Family Law

Spousal support is one of the many things couples tend to feud over when they are getting a divorce. Once all is said and done, the requesting spouse may, in fact, be awarded alimony despite their ex’s efforts to get the courts to decide otherwise. When this happens, the paying spouse will be required to make payments to their ex until the court states otherwise, but if they were to die, this could terminate alimony payments.


After it has been determined that one spouse will receive alimony, the courts will either specify a date in the divorce decree that these payments will be terminated or will notify both parties of termination. However, there are two other circumstances that could cause the alimony payments to stop earlier than the courts planned. In addition to the requesting spouse remarrying, the death of the paying spouse can also put an end to alimony payments.

In some situations, the payer’s death does not result in the termination of alimony payments. Alimony is supposed to help the recipient get on their feet and become financially stable. If they have failed to do so and the payer dies, alimony payments may be paid from the payer’s life insurance or estate.

When someone requests alimony, it is important that they understand its terms, including the many circumstances that could lead to its termination. The money alimony provides a person is important, so if they do in fact need it past the date of their ex’s death, they should do what they can to prove this to the court. If you have questions about spousal support, do not hesitate to contact an attorney who can provide you with answers and clear up any confusion there may be regarding this particular divorce matter.



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