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Tips on surviving divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 15, 2014 | Divorce

A divorce is never an easy thing to go through. However, a divorce does not have to be a decision that makes you feel hopeless. Here are some tips that one woman gives us to survive the aftermath of a divorce, and some of them are quite surprising.

The first tip is to accept that you are in a different place now and that your responsibilities lie with defining your and your children’s future. Many times in marriage that isn’t working, the tendency is to overcompensate and try to make the present a better place when it just won’t work.

Another tip is to indulge yourself with friendships that support you and the process you are going through. Friends can sustain you, can listen to your heartache and help you through it.

Another tip is to consider reclaiming a past hobby or career. This can also help relieve some of the hurt and pain you are going through. Teaching ballet, picking up writing again or trying another left-behind passion can help you feel better about yourself. Having your spouse criticize you for an activity that you love is not only demeaning but can stunt your mental health.

The main reason the author was able to put the pain of divorce behind her was when her 2-year-old son began to have seizures. “Having a sick child will put a bad divorce in perspective in about two seconds flat.”

An additional, humorous way to put things into perspective is to watch reality television because, in comparison, your problems seem slight.

When you find yourself unhappy in your current marriage, and you are not sure which way to turn, a skilled attorney could be a good resource. He or she can guide you in what your options are and can provide a humanizing element to a process that can be very dehumanizing. Choosing an experienced Texas attorney can make all the difference during this trying time.

Source: Huffington Post, “The wise words that helped me survive divorce” Elizabeth Denham, Jan. 12, 2014


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