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What causes couples to divorce as many years together?

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2013 | Divorce

Many of our Texas readers are shocked to see couples together for many years – and sometimes even decades – suddenly divorce. We often believe that once a couple has been together for at least 10 years, then they’ll be together forever. However, there are many couples who have underlying problems that cause their marriage to end after so many years of trying to make their relationships work.

What types of marital problems cause couples to divorce after so many years? One of most common excuses is that there’s a lack of connection. Many couples watch their children grow up and move out of the house and then realize that they have nothing holding them together anymore. Also, many people begin to realize, as they hit middle age, that life is too short to not be happy. They want to reach new goals and being in a dead-end marriage is not one of them.

Life changes and the inability to handle conflicts can rear their ugly heads. As people get older, they face challenges such caring for aging parents and the death of loved ones. When couples fail to cope with these situations in an effective manner, then it paves the way for divorce.

It’s important for all couples to spend time communicating and reconnecting. With so many priorities, life can sometimes get out of control and leave marriages hanging by a thread. Spouses need to be open with each other and communicate their goals. With active communication, marriages can thrive and survive in the long run.

Marriage takes work. Just because a marriage has lasted 10 or 20 years doesn’t mean it’ll last forever. Along the same lines, life changes and traumatic events don’t necessarily mean the marriage is doomed. When communication and counselling fail to repair a broken marriage, it’s usually time to explore one’s legal options.

Huffington Post, “Marriage Problems That Lead To Divorce After Decades” Laura Seldon, Sep. 09, 2013


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