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Cowell demands paternity test to confirm fatherhood

On Behalf of | Sep 4, 2013 | Paternity

Many Texas residents are fans of “American Idol” and “X Factor ” and may have seen one of the judges – Simon Cowell – in the news a lot lately, but not because of his TV projects. He allegedly has a child on the way with Laura Silverman, a New York socialite who is currently going through a divorce with her husband, a real estate mogul. Cowell, however, is no dummy. He wants proof that he’s the father.

Cowell has demanded that he take a paternity test before committing to the baby emotionally and financially. Although Cowell reportedly is not a huge fan of children, sources claim that he is actually excited about the prospect of becoming a father. However, he wants to be 100 percent sure that he is the father – and won’t take Silverman’s word for it.

The baby news comes just weeks after Silverman and her husband announced their divorce, which makes Cowell unsure that he could be the father. Although he and Silverman were together a lot during that time, they weren’t together all the time, leaving some room for doubt. Cowell has amassed a large fortune and he understandably doesn’t want to spend it raising a child that may not be his. That’s why he’s looking to a DNA test to provide scientific proof.

Cowell and Silverman were close friends before the divorce and now that they are together, they both have totally different ideas about the nature of their relationship. Silverman feels head over heels in love, while Cowell is indifferent.

Given the timing of the relationship, Cowell is smart to request a paternity test. Because Silverman and her husband were technically married at the time the relationship started – and still are, in fact – there is a chance that the husband could be the father. Also, she could have been with other men besides the husband and Cowell. There’s no proof that the two were in a committed relationship, leading the paternity door wide open.

Classicalite, “Simon Cowell Baby Update: Demands Paternity Test After Reuniting with Lauren Silverman, Claims Tabloids” Jonathan Lambert, Aug. 28, 2013


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