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Woman creates divorce conference to share experience, knowledge

On Behalf of | May 4, 2013 | Divorce

When one woman decided to divorce, she knew that she was in for an emotionally turbulent ride, but there were far more avenues that she did not think about until she was confronting them with uncertainty. Successfully emerging on the other side of divorce for a happier, healthier life, the woman decided that she wanted to take her knowledge and experience to help other individuals similarly embarking on a divorce.

The woman developed a conference with the close assistance of her mother tailor-made to assist individuals with the emotional and other ramifications of a divorce. The goal is to help the many that are understandably consumed by their immediate need to end their marriage look further into the future for beginning a new life.

Following a divorce, financial pictures inevitably change. Will you have to go back to work? How will you cope with co-parenting children or raising children as a single parent? What about looking for love again? How many years has it been since you dated?

All of these questions can feel overwhelming when a divorce is finalized. The Start Over Smart event created by the mother-daughter team is a conference that addresses concerns about dating after divorce, parenting after divorce and career development after divorce, among so much more. Seeking professionals to assist with working through the emotional transition is also encouraged for many.

It is critical to seek a skilled divorce attorney that will advocate for the rights and interests of an individual in order to pave the way for a divorcing individual to begin his or her new life under the best of circumstances. A skilled attorney is imperative in all matters relating to divorce in Texas, including child custody, support payments, property division and so much more.

Source: wflx, “Divorce Detox,” Rachel Leigh, May 1, 2013


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