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Strengthening the father-daughter relationship following divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 25, 2013 | Child Custody

All parents want their children to be happy. The largest stressor for most parents in Texas in contemplating whether or not to end a marriage in which the parent is no longer happy is often the question of how it will impact the children. Divorce is never entirely easy for either spouse or for the children. Further, child custody is often the most contentious aspect of many Texas divorces. But a divorce does not have to be ugly, and does not have to mean children that will grow up to be unhappy.

Even in instances where parents are married, there can still be difficult relationships with children. Conversely, spouses can choose to divorce, but both parents can still be present in their children’s lives, thereby still being able to raise happy, healthy kids. Both parents are critical in the development of their children.

A study published in a journal called Development and Psychopathology found that daughters that grew up with “quality fathering” are at less of a risk of engaging in behavior during their adolescence that could be classified as risky sexual behavior. What is a way for all parents to connect with their children in an effort to raise a child that will grow into a confident, happy adult?

A study conducted at Baylor University found that shared activities, particularly sports, can really bond and strengthen a relationship with a daughter and her father. The father-daughter relationship can at times become stilted following a divorce. Fathers play just as important a role in rearing a child as the mother. Sports or other shared activities can go a long way in not only showing a child that the parent is interested in them and their life, but also work toward building the child’s confidence, keeping them happy and healthy.

Source:, “Playing sports helps father bond with daughters: study,” Feb. 23, 2013


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