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Key conversations: effective communication after divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2013 | Divorce

It is no secret to our Houston readers that after a divorce often the last thing a separated couple wants to do is talk. It is understandable why both parties may want to keep conversations to a minimum at a best. Unfortunately, some conversations are simply unavoidable, especially when children are involved in the separation.

Most divorced parents strive to have their ex-spouses be a part of their children’s lives in hopes they can grow up to have a meaningful relationship with both parents. Co-parenting can be a difficult task and can often make key family conversations a stressful activity. Effect communication is important part of making a co-parenting situation work after a divorce.

Below are five tips on effective communication:

• 1. Keep your goals in focus – stick to the topic, and get things accomplished.

• 2. Open E-mail communication – written communication gives you the time to plot out what you are going to say before actually saying it, plus you don’t have to be in the same room.

• 3. Don’t try to seek revenge – keep in mind you are working towards a better future, not trying to make up for the past.

• 4. Keep calm but honest – honesty is the best policy but present it in a way that is not going to cause a fight.

• 5. Call a family meeting – make sure to include everyone so you are all on the same page.

Keeping these tips in mind may help lessen the stress of an unavoidable conversation with an ex-spouse. Contacting a family law attorney may aid in protecting your rights in the event of an irreconcilable dispute with an ex-spouse.

Source: Huffington Post, “Parenting After Divorce: 13 Ways To Make Conversations With Your Ex Less Stressful,” Jan. 18, 2013


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