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Custody dispute over Bristol Palin’s toddler closed

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2012 | Child Custody

Last month, we blogged about the custody dispute ensuing between Bristol Palin and her ex-boyfriend, Levi Johnston, over their son, Tripp. Reportedly, the reality show detailing the life of Bristol and her son caught the toddler using profanity. As a result, Levi filed for a child custody modification, seeking full custody of the little boy.

The initial child custody agreement awarded Bristol primary physical custody and both parties were to share legal custody. According to one report, the case is now closed due to inactivity. This could mean that the couple has decided to turn to mediation instead of litigation to resolve the dispute.

Child custody often proves to be a highly-contentious issue, as this case demonstrates. In cases of divorce, this is typically the most complex issue to be resolved. Generally, in order for a court in Texas to consider a modification to the original child custody agreement, there needs to be evidence of abuse — be that physical or chemical — or mental instability. Relocation of a parent can also be cause to revisit a child custody agreement. However, there can be other circumstances to warrant a modification.

The ultimate decision will need to come down to the best interest of the toddler. This case also demonstrates well that family law can touch anyone. Individuals that were never married can struggle to iron out a child custody arrangement that is agreed upon by all. In such instances it is often critical to retain an experience legal advocate.

Source: USA Today, “Bristol Palin, Levi Johnston’s custody case closed,” Ann Oldenburg, Sept. 18, 2012

  • To learn more about how our firm handles similar cases in Texas, please visit our Houston child custody page.


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