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Southern values in Texas: Do they set couples up for divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2011 | Divorce

Texas is famous for doing everything big, and when it comes to divorce, apparently that’s bigger here, too. Many people look at Texas and think that the Southern values mean something with regards to lasting marriages, but that’s apparently not true.

In fact, it turns out that even someone like Snooki from the “Jersey Shore” might have a smaller chance of getting divorced than a traditional Southern belle. According to a recent U.S. Census report, more Texans wind up getting divorced than New Jersey residents. Scholars have looked at the report and come up with logical reasons why this somewhat surprising statistic could be true.

New Jersey couples reportedly spend more time living together without being married. When they are about 30, on average, they finally get hitched. Texans are generally more religious and are quicker to enter into a marriage at a younger age. Sometimes, suggests one sociological scholar, religion in Texas prevents couples from using birth control, which can lead to unintended pregnancies and weddings to follow. That sort of situation can increase a couple’s likelihood of divorce.

New Jersey may be famous for “Jersey Shore,” The Real Housewives of New Jersey and now a low divorce rate, but a higher divorce rate in Texas shouldn’t send any sort of message about superior or inferior family values. As it has been said on this family law blog before, divorce doesn’t require any apologies. A marriage can be a successful one for the time that it lasted. And divorce can be the beginning of a healthier, happier family.


Houston Chronicle: “New Jersey leads U.S. in marriages,” Amy Kuperinsky, Sep. 29, 2011


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