Social Media Use Can Affect Divorce and Child Custody Cases
For better or for worse, social media has changed how people share information and interact with each other. The Internet has seen an explosion of questionable behavior, including online affairs and unintended sharing (or intentional over-sharing) of personal information, activities and secrets.
So it is no surprise that information gathered from social media is increasingly used as evidence in divorce and child custody cases. According to statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about half of all first marriages in the United States end in divorce, and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers reports that more than eight in 10 divorce attorneys have seen increases in the use of social media evidence in divorce cases.
Couples in emotional turmoil sometimes post heated words on social media websites or display poor behavior online that can backfire. As these posts and other social media use are increasingly used as evidence in family law cases, this information can adversely impact divorce settlements, child custody arrangements and alimony orders.
Tips for Social Media Use During Divorce
The best way to prevent negative consequences is to change online behavior as soon as divorce may be possible. It is unwise to rant about divorce in a Facebook post or social media blog. Parties should refrain from publicly posting information about their parenting habits and recreational activities that may negatively influence a child custody or alimony decision.
If divorce may be a possibility for you, contact an experienced family law lawyer to learn more about how social media may affect your situation and the divorce process.